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Máy dò kim loại dưới đất Scanner TM808

Máy dò kim loại dưới đất Scanner TM808

Model: Scanner TM808

Hãng sản xuất: Hãng Khác

Mã sản phẩm: QM11336

Giá bán: 58.523.400 VNĐ

(Với mỗi vùng miền, xin quý khách vui lòng liên hệ trực tiếp nhân viên bán hàng để có giá tốt hơn. Danh sách nhân viên bán hàng có ở cột bên phải trang web này)
Chúng tôi cam kết bảo hành miễn phí tận nơi sử dụng trong nội thành Hà Nội, Đà Nẵng, TP HCM trong vòng 24h.

Thông tin chi tiết Máy dò kim loại dưới đất Scanner TM808

Mô tả về sản phẩm

Máy dò kim loại dưới đất Scanner TM808 (7 mét)
Thông tin sản phẩm

Product name
Type specifications: TM808 metal detector

TM 808 7m
TM 808 7m
Commodities Introduction:
TM 808 The maximum depth of 7 meters to detect
The instrument has to detect degrees wide to find accurate, able to determine the objectives and depth of metal. Distinguish strong, ease of operation, exploration depth and so on. Can detect cave.
In the senior detector manufacturer seems that we have the depth of detection equipment you choose to be wise. We are committed to providing superior product performance and reliability.
Your choice of T-808 to take hand-made, and after rigorous testing. In the case of proper maintenance, can be used for many years.
By reading the instructions, you are familiar with such a fine probe, and understand its basic characteristics. Clearly, the scene is still no substitute for experience. Please use this site probe and carefully read the instructions. Not be long before, you can also become experts in.
Every day using our metal detector found the valuables. No matter how good the performance of metal detectors, it still needs people to make key decisions contribute to a significant discovery. Metal detectors for helping users find valuables. Understand and where appropriate to use your detector, metal detector for the critical to the success.
Another important factor today is that, in search of private property or public lands before the required permission. These steps, as well as backfill holes and trash removal enables you to action from future restrictive legislation.
Soon, you will use the T-808 to find valuables. T-808 continues our fine tradition of high performance and reliability, we are proud of it.
The instrument is equipped with the standard battery box with 4 batteries No. 2.
Used to search for metal targets. For example, gold bars, silver bullion, metal cargo containers. Permeability of the ground in this model the strongest, when the need to consider probing depth of this mode is selected. In this mode, using the detector on the ground cancellation capacity (balance). The right balance setting is essential. Is also used to search for caves or voids. Cave model can not be canceled on the ground mineralization, and therefore very sensitive to changes in ground mineralization. Because caves or voids in the ground mineralization decreased significantly, so detectors sound or audio signal through the reduction to detect cavities or voids. This model is designed to detect metal targets may be in possession of the caves or voids. Despite all bulk metal targets detectors will respond to, but this model the depth of the metal target detection capability inferior to the ability of metal mode.
This product is gold, silver, copper, iron, tin and all metals can be detected, while the coverage in this mostly above the soil, ceramics, rocks, plastic, concrete, wood and other materials can penetrate.

Xuât xứ : Trung Quốc
Bảo hành:  12 tháng

- Số lượt xem: 3608

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